Mystery Day Client, Mystery Day PRO and Mystery Day are mystery shopping theme events organized by professional companies, which are members of MSPA (the most important mystery shopping association in the world). Each of them, in its own way, gathers all those who are interested in this method. The objective is to improve and promote mystery shopping and the job of a mystery shopper.
Intelligence is the first company in this part of Europe that has been organizing such events since 2017 in three different forms: “Mystery Day CLIENT”, “Mystery Day PRO” and “Mystery Day”.
"Mystery Day CLIENT"
"Mystery Day PRO" is a closed event, intended for MSPA members, clients and associates of the Intelligence team from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
"Mystery Day" is an open event and it is intended for all interested indiviudals and representatives of companies that work on project implementation at the operational level.
So far, the events have been held in Belgrade, Niš, Novi Sad and Kragujevac.
Sign up for the event
*You are not obliged to pay any fees by sending your application. The data you give us will be used to inform you about the upcoming events in a timely manner, so that you can obtain discount for early application.