Mystery shop and Mystery visit

We measure and analyze customer experience in the purchasing process. Our well-trained and highly motivated (mystery) shoppers will visit your or your competitor’s retail store, and report back on their shopping experience in both subjective and objective ways. The goal of (mystery) shoppers is to behave in accordance with the scenario and to truthfully report the details they observed. They know what could be of importance to our client as we train them for that.

Benefits of Mystery Shop and Mystery Visit expertise

Assessment of customers' real experience and in-store situation. We conduct special analyses, the results of which can be used for strategic as well as operational changes, especially in marketing, sales, human resources and eBusiness. In addition, programmes for improving sales results can be easily defined and return on investment (ROI) calculated.

Mystery shop Mystery visit


Mystery eShop and virtual

We hire (mystery) shoppers who use the Internet for shopping, or often use search engines while shopping. They are also active users of social media and understand the way modern communication works because they use it themselves.

Benefits of Mystery and virtual expertise

Information on the customer's "journey", including the search, purchasing decision-making, payment, delivery and the support they expect to receive, can be shown in the report easily. Noticing good but also not so good processes can lead to easier shopping, or in other words, customer's bigger spending. Not only does the report serve as a corrective element for operational challenges, but also as an additional insight into the customers' way of thinking.

Mystery eShop i virutal


Mystery Call

Whether they call the outsource Call centre, a retail, or the wholesale directly, mystery shoppers are trained as they are for any other kind of mystery assignment. Customers are often in a habit of calling and inquiring about something prior to ePurchase, or asking about the stock. Every means of communication, especially when initiated by a customer, offers a huge opportunity.

Benefits of Mystery Call expertise

Customers highly appreciate the kindness of a person they are talking to on the phone. However, here we also measure the time spent waiting to be put through, the time in which someone answered the call, the way they communicated, whether they solved the problem, as well as how they ended the call. This analysis will help you to resolve techinical issues (if there are any), but also subjective issues (if found).

Mystery Call


Store check

Our (mystery) shoppers use their skills when it is necessary to assess a retail store, which is not related to the sales interaction but focuses on the environment. The goal of our (mystery) shoppers is to check, according to precise instructions, the position of POS materials, price accuracy and price display, display of products or advertising material, cleanliness by strict standards, technical accuracy of electronic devices etc.

Benefits of Store check expertise

You can receive information on key elements in a retail store in real time. Yes, we can engage our (mystery) shoppers as quality controllers in our clients' or competitors' stores. No one in your store or the competitors' store knows our (mystery) shoppers, so employees' behaviour will not change and we will inform you about the real situation.

Mystery Store check


Mystery travel and Luxury

Among our associates, there is a category that we call Very Important Mystery Shoppers (VIMS). These are customers with above-average incomes who work in high positions and thus belong to a high social class. It would be easier (and cheaper) to send a student to a five-star hotel, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's better. When it comes to luxury sale, a customer has to be chosen carefully.

Benefits of Mystery travel and Luxury expertise

Details are extremely important in the purchasing process and in the sale of expensive products and services. However, we also show details by analysing categories in order to handle bottlenecks successfully. Although the prices of luxury products are high, service is more important than price in this sector, and the service is precisely what we focus on by giving you a clear and detailed picture of it.

Mystery travel and Luxory


Quantitative methods

Quantitative research (in simple terms) includes surveying a large number of people about their opinion, attitudes and experience in order to obtain hard facts and do a statistical analysis. To be able to obtain reliable results, it is necessary to survey a large number of people and ensure that they are a representative sample of the market being researched.

Nevertheless, if survey questions are not formulated well and if a respondent has not been surveyed in a proper manner, the results will not reflect the opinion of the population which is the research subject.


Qualitative methods

Qualitative research has as its objective in-depth comprehension of certain behaviour, as well as discovering motives for such behaviour by means of a specially prepared interview and moderation. Qualitative studies are conducted not only if you want to find out the opinion of an individual, but also why they have such an opinion. Either group research (FGD) or individual interviews can be used.

Qualitative methods are usually an introduction to quantitative methods, and very often qualitative methods are applied again after quantitative methods in order to obtain the most accurate information. This is how the value of certain customer attitudes obtained via interviews is measured.

Some academic authorities from the field of research put mystery shopping into the category of qualitative research, while some place it in the quantitative one. Be that as it may, mystery shopping is a separate combination of both methods.


Desktop research

Desktop research method includes search, analysis and structuring of information obtained from relevant sources. This method is thus employed for separating important information, using a pre-defined logical algorithm, from the sea of data available in research or public bases, on the Internet or in other databases (offline or online).

Apart from internal databases, the sources we use in desktop research include official data, bases and reports of relevant public and private institutions.

This kind of research method is most often used as a preparation for the market entry of some company or for launching a (new or existing) product onto a new market.



When complex research studies and projects that include qualitative and quantitative methods (as well as desktop and mystery shopping) are carried out, we call that QualyQuant research.

Therefore, one part can be a scientifically verified study, one professional (not scientific, but relevant), and one irrelevant (but indicative). Most projects in the corporate world were done with a quality-quant approach, although it may not seem so at first glance.