Who is Mystery shopper
The mystery shopper is the most frequently chosen job on the best part-time jobs lists. Take our FREE professional training and wait for your first task. Our clients value your experience and opinion. Simply – earn by buying.
Mystery shopper training involves familiarization with the Mystery shopping method and testing. Testing includes a test, observation/listening, and writing a short report. Everything is done online, completely free and safe. After successful training and verification, you’ll get the MSPA Intelligence certificate.
If you like to shop, if you are communicative, observant, and can write well, you can be one.
A mystery shopper is a shopper who reports on their purhasing experience objectively, based on a pre-arranged scenario by Intelligence LLC. In order for someone to become a mystery shopper of our company, it is necessary for them to have an MSPA certification or to undergo professional online training in our company, i.e. pass the exam, examine, learn and sign the agreement and ethical code.
There are no limitations regarding age, work status or education. Generally speaking, the most frequently hired are women (65%), people aged 25 – 39 (26%) and the ones with less than two years of experience in their current job position. Mystery shoppers include the unemployed, the employed, the retired and students. Also included are people with low incomes and in beginner’s positions, as well as people in high positions (though in a smaller number).
Thus, for someone to become a mystery shopper, they need to comply with professional standards, ethical code, and to be unbiased. A mystery shopper certainly needs to have an ability to report their experience truthfully in both written and verbal form, to be conscientious and punctual and to prepare well for the assignment. They will receive free online training from us, as well as support, good preparation and all necessary information.
“Earn by shopping” and similar slogans of many companies can really be attributed solely to mystery shopping. Because of that this is more fun than a job.
Activities involved are very dynamic, communication is required with various people, travelling is often needed, purchased items are kept for oneself and the like. In an assignment, a person can be a mystery visitor (a visitor of some store), at times a mystery caller (the one who dials a Call centre or a store) or a mystery traveller (the one who travels).
Most often it is required to go to consumer goods stores or specialized stores, but also to cafes, restaurants, hotels, exclusive car dealerships etc.
A mystery shopper can be rewarded for their effort by getting reimbursed, or being allowed to keep the purchased products, or often both. A mystery shopper is also given feedback on their work and a grade by Intelligence LLC team and the client.
Always check the e-mail address of a person who offers you the job of a mystery shopper. It’s best to contact the agency by phone or e-mail after you have checked their website. Do not agree to the first assignment if there is no training system secured before that. Do not accept to pay large fees for the first evaluation (it’s common for scammers to only try to sell a product or service and never call you back afterwards). Check information about the company on the MSPA EU website www.mspa-eu.org. You should always give preference to the MSPA members because they guarantee safety for everyone in the mystery shopping process.
Mystery shopping agencies don’t offer permanent job positions for this kind of job. An agency will never require you to make a payment prior to evaluation, but it may require a proof of a certification (certifications are issued by MSPA or its members) or work experience. An employee from the agency will send you detailed instructions before every assignment by e-mail, telephone or in person. A mystery shopper will always receive instructions about the way in which they should submit their reports.
There are five levels of mystery shoppers in our company:
- Recruit: a candidate in the training process
- New: a mystery shopper until the completion of the first assessment
- Regular: when they do their first mystery shopping assignment successfully
- Elite: a mystery shopper with a large number of completed assessments and a grade above 4.5
- VIPS:A special group of mystery shoppers who go through F2F training, because it includes people in high positions, doctors, pharmacists and the like.
All our mystery shoppers with the Elite status have certifications issued by our company or MSPA. Mystery shoppers with the Elite status have a right to the advantage of getting the assignment first, and every month they have a chance of receiving additional reward in the form of valuable vouchers, since each month we choose the best shoppers of the previous month.
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