

Quantitative methods

Large Numbers, Probability Theory, and Advanced Statistics
Quantitative research (in simple terms) includes surveying a large number of people about their opinion, attitudes and experience in order to obtain hard facts and do a statistical analysis. To be able to obtain reliable results, it is necessary to survey a large number of people and ensure that they are a representative sample of the market being researched. Nevertheless, if survey questions are not formulated well and if a respondent has not been surveyed in a proper manner, the results will not reflect the opinion of the population which is the research subject.

Qualitative methods

In-Depth Understanding, Small Groups or Individuals, and Description
Qualitative research has as its objective in-depth comprehension of certain behaviour, as well as discovering motives for such behaviour by means of a specially prepared interview and moderation. Qualitative studies are conducted not only if you want to find out the opinion of an individual, but also why they have such an opinion. Either group research (FGD) or individual interviews can be used. Some academic authorities from the field of research put mystery shopping into the category of qualitative research, while some place it in the quantitative one. Be that as it may, mystery shopping is a separate combination of both methods, and in many cases overcome research methods.

Desktop research

Data base, planning and relevant sources
Desktop research method includes search, analysis and structuring of information obtained from relevant sources. This method is thus employed for separating important information, using a pre-defined logical algorithm, from the sea of data available in research or public bases, on the Internet or in other databases (offline or online). Apart from internal databases, the sources we use in desktop research include official data, bases and reports of relevant public and private institutions. This kind of research method is most often used as a preparation for the market entry of some company or for launching a (new or existing) product onto a new market.


A Mix of Appropriate Research Methods. In the future, everyone will likely be QualyQuant.
When complex research studies and projects that include qualitative and quantitative methods (as well as desktop and mystery shopping) are carried out, we call that QualyQuant research. Therefore, one part can be a scientifically verified study, one professional (not scientific, but relevant), and one irrelevant (but indicative). Most projects in the corporate world were done with a quality-quant approach, although it may not seem so at first glance.

Mystery shopping

Metrics for Measuring Customer Experience Through Real-Life Situations of Actual Buyers
Mystery shopping transforms customer experience into actionable metrics and insights relevant to the client. With rapid reporting and feedback, this method is primarily used as a foundation for improving service quality and boosting employee motivation. It serves as a direct link between top management (and owners) and the realities of the field. Mystery shoppers are regular customers of the client or competitors who have undergone training to convey their experiences in a way that is structured for processing and analysis.

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